Girl Guiding

3 Conversations

At the beginning of the 20th century Lord Robert Baden Powell decided to set up an organisation to train young boys in the art of scouting . This proved very popular and it wasn’t long before girl were disguising themselves boys so they could also join. When this was discovered , along with his wife Olive and his sister Agnes, Robert decided to set up a similar organisation for girls. Girl Guiding was born.

Guiding has remained with us to this day , having changed many times over the years. By this I mean the program for the girls and the uniform. The meaning of guiding has remained with us. The latest change began 5 years ago and has seen a new uniform and program for every section including uniform for the leaders. The latest has been the rainbows, who had their program launched September 2004.

Guiding provides many opportunities for the girls involved, from camping to essential life skills which are transferable into later life. Girls as young as 5 are involved in the guide association. At the age of 5 they join rainbows, move onto brownies (originally known as the rosebuds) at the age of 7 and then onto guides at 10. At 14 the girls enter senior section where they are expected to make decisions for themselves about the running of their meetings (in rangers), they also get to lead younger girls y becoming young leaders. At 18 you can become an adult leader, providing you work through a program called the adult leadership scheme. This is a qualification which can be transferred to all aspects of life, especially career wise due to the skills you have to learn.

Guiding is a world wide organisation which is slightly different in its uniform, name and possibly its program depending on where about it is. For example in America it is called Girl Scouts. In Canada it is also called Girl Scouts and their uniform includes cold weather gear, as here in England we give the girls a jumper for the winter!

I’m sure for many of you guiding is something you have been involved in and have many good memories. Or maybe its something you are still involved in. Which ever it is if you want to discuss anything or remember your childhood, just click on “discuss this entry” I’m sure ill be around to reply.

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