This is discusting

2 Conversations

Please tell me why, things that are disusting are shared. Granted people every day get a chance to try new things and inebidably some of those things dissagree with the verry core of our being. Some of these things include foods and drinks and can range all the way up to sex acts. Now I have born witness on countless ocations though (even myself taking part in these actions) with people trying something they find disgusting and sharing it with others. Things such as trying a particularly disgusting drink. I have in the past been a member of a group called the sca (society for creative anachranisims). This group on the regular basis has events that last the whole weekend long with hundreds of people attending. At one of these events we decided to perform an experiment. We made the most discusting alchoholic concoction we could and decided to share. Walking from camp site to camp site we would make a show next to a person of trying this drink (not actually drinking any of it) proclaiming it truely discusting and offering for somebody else to try. We continued the experiment with 100 individuals and only one of the people had the forsight to ask why he should try such a thing if it is so discusting. So in conclution I postulate that 99 percent of the people in this world when faced with a discusting item or act is prone to try it for the simple curiosity of finding out what makes it so discusting.....

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