stratford upon avon, england UK

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Stratford upon Avon is located smack bang in the middle of England. A medieval market town and shrine to Shakespeare, this is middle England at its finest. We have a fine array of local hostelries which on sunny day can be likened to heaven on earth.
The River Avon runs through the town where one can partake in a guided river tour, or for the brave you may hire your own boat.
Shops are varied, but you must be prepared to filter out all the tourist shops as they can become a little tiresome after the first twenty!
The main attraction has to be the sense of history the town offers to the visitor. It is the kind of place you visit and think, 'mmm... I wish I lived here'.
We have one of the finest theatres in the RSC and numerous restraunts for wining and dining.
In truth words alone cannot describe my home town, you have to see it.

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