The wonders of the light saber.
Created | Updated Apr 21, 2008
"Your fathers light saber,"said ben,"This is the weapon of a jedi Knight."
Many people wonder how the light saber works.Ive done alot of reasearch on this.The light saber in the original star wars draft was supposed to be carried by everyone in the galaxy.(see "star wars,the annotated screenplays.") The way the saber is powered is by small crystals of different colors.(how you get different colored saber blades)Ive always been a star wars nerd.The reason the jedi dont carry red sabers is because they are in fact the colors of evil in the original draft.Which caused some jedi to turn to the dark side.So ben at first made sure that Luke wouldnt get a red one.In the children star wars book titled"lightsabers"chewbaca's son gets a red light saber.Luke then teaches his padwan that that is a bad idea.So the light saber really is an amazing tool.
May the force be with you.And above all,