
2 Conversations

Lasagna is a layered food originating most likely from Italy or some other pasta weilding nation. It is found by most humans to be quite tasty and is best when served hot and with garlic bread. It is a relatively simple food to prepare, but some experimentation may offer benefit with regards to individual taste and preference. (note: experimentation should be approached only after thorough orientation with methods of preparation.)

1 lb. ground beef
1/2 of a white onion
1/4 of a red onion
3 - 4 cloves fresh garlic
24 oz. tomato sauce
9 strips lasagna pasta (uncooked)
tea spoon basil
tablespoon oregano
salt & pepper to taste
1 package mozzarella cheese
2 eggs
12 oz ricotta cheese
1/4 cup parmesian cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Dice up all onions and garlic - sautee in large sauce pan ( a big cast-iron skillet works well ) for a few minutes then crumble in the ground beef. Brown the beef/onion mixture, adding basil and oregano. When ground beef is well browned, add tomato sauce and simmer, adding salt and pepper to taste. Any excess of grease should be drained off the top of beef before adding tomato sauce. While sauce is simmering, in a bowl mix ricotta cheese, 2 whole eggs and parmesian cheese together, stirring well. Take a baking dish (preferably close in size to 13" x 9" or 12" x 7") and lightly grease the sides with olive oil or vegetable oil. (this makes clean up easier!)

On bottom of baking dish, cover thinly with tomato/meat sauce. Lay lasagna uncooked and cover the bottom -should be 3 pieces lengthwise. On top of lasagna add more meat sauce, and a layer of the ricotta cheese mixture. Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese over this. Lay another layer of pasta and repeat layering. On top of 2nd layer, add lasagna, what is left of meat sauce, and the remainder of the mozzarella cheese. Cover dish with tin foil, and bake at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes until brown and bubbling.

Once mastered, this dish may be elaborated on with red and or green peppers, hot sauce, spinach, turkey and any other numbers of ingredients. It can be prepared in advance and frozen for later thawing and eating. It can also be made with "store bought" pre-made meat sauce. In a pinch it can be prepared without the eggs, the onions, garlic, and seasoning, but it won't taste very good.

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