Looe, Cornwall, UK

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Located on the south-east coast of Cornwall, Looe is an extremely quaint fishing village, as well as a small tourist resort.


Looe is situated in a valley, with houses built on different levels up the edges. There is a river running through the middle of it all, the village clustered around it, it's mouth spilling into the Atlantic Ocean. This river divides it into east and west, like the Berlin of old. Right next to the sea is the town centre, harbour and beach. Beautiful views can be had from high up on the valley.


Looe is, and has been for many years, a small working commercial fishing harbour. This lends it its atmospheric, constant smell of fish. Also adding to the seaside ambience is the multitude of seagulls. There is a beach, which is nice enough, although swimming in the sea itself might require some bravery, as it is almost always freezing cold. As with most British seaside resorts, plenty of shops nearby sell saucy postcards, ice cream and the like. In the town centre there are also shops selling traditional Cornish pasties and fudge. One particular bakery sells a delicious array of sweet pasties. There is also a large joke shop selling the usual plastic dog poo and spreadable body chocolate. There are several restaurants, including the Golden Guinea on Fore Street, a lovely restaurant serving a beautiful chicken korma. Plenty of hotels and B and Bs are in Looe, and overall the village is highly recommended for staying in for a day or two, or for use as a base as you spend some time exploring the myriad wonders of Cornwall.

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