
1 Conversation

Catatonia are in my opinion the best band in the world.

But why are they so good I hear you ask, well thats easy. The lead singer, Cerys Matthews, is Welsh and has the greatest voice in the world. This coupled with the Guitar playing skills of Mark Roberts, Owen Powell, Paul Jones on Bass, and Aled Richards on the Drums makes Catatonia the most original and inspiring band out there.

If you don't believe me, you can buy any of their three albums, two of which have topped the UK Album Charts.

There debut Album was "Way Beyond Blue". Althought this was not an immidiate hit at the time of release, it has recently become popular and is gaining recognition. There second Album "International Velvet", was a success with five singles being released from it.

There latest Album "Equally Cursed and Blessed", also reached number one and proves that Catatonia are here to stay.

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