Net Neutrality

1 Conversation

Net Neutrality is a hot topic for anyone using the internet for much more than stalking people via Myspace or Facebook. Net Neutrality represents the ability to freely use the bandwidth you pay for for whatever you choose.

In the United States of America, television is the primary form of entertainment for many of its obese and sedentary residents. The computer allows these obese and sedentary individuals to imitate social behavior, exercise muscles in the fingers and wrist (via one "mouse" or another). The computer is a terminal for infinite web sites, some educational, some entertaining.

Corporations are able to pay sites such as Google and Yahoo! to make their company appear in more and more search categories. In a similar manner, Corporations will be able to pay Internet Service Providers to give their company more bandwidth than smaller companies or individuals can afford.

This is not just a problem in the U.S.A.; The web is "World Wide" after all. The previously seemingly useless statement about television now comes into play. Television involves big companies making shows and selling them to television service providers. The World Wide Web will be like this someday, where individual servers posting intelligent things about philosophy or possible answers to universal questions will not be given a chance when compared to a big company with money to toss at Internet Service Providers to grant their clients access to their "channel".

At this point, the writer considered putting in something about how non-neutral net would reduce the amount of pornographic material on the internet, but they then considered the amount of pornographic material on the television.

You may say "it isn't a big deal".

You may say "Gee, it sucks to be those blokes in England under Virgin Media which recently announced that "Net Neutrality is a load of bollocks" because they won't have access to anything worth visiting on the internet anymore"

The bottom line is this: We have one television... okay we have three, but we don't need our computers to turn into them as well. We pay for our bandwidth, and not giving it to us is lying.

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