Osho's Cocktail Bar in Stuttgart/Germnany

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Situated near the town center (and close to my office!), Osho's provides everything to get drunk in a very decent way. In a warm abiente you'll soon get the feeling of beeing at home in your favorite pub. (Not that it has the looks of a pub, but the warmth...) And feeling so at home, you start having more fun and end up having drunk too much, spent too much money, but not feeling too sick to keep on drinking as soon as you get that money dispenser to work...
The audience is a mixture of almot every social layer of Stuttgart except for punks and kiddies, which is quite an exception for Germany, as they all get along pretty well when they get together at Osho's.
It's definetly not a place to meet other people, but in a small group (4-5 persons; no bigger tables available except fo the bar-counter which is pretty incommunicative in my opineon) you'll have a great time.
Prices are at an average level and shouldn't hurt anybody.
Another thing to point out is the constancy of the cocktails. If you order a caipirinha it will taste the same as the one you had 2 hours ago.

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