Harry Potter and the half blood Prince

5 Conversations

I was surprised to see that no postings have yet been made on the newest J.K. Rowling novel. I am aware that this book is not yet out. However we do know the release date is going to be 16 July 2005. And to put it blankly I can’t wait. J.K. Rowling has a strange way to put twists into her novels like you would never expect. For e.g. In “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” who would have known who the inside Death Eater was? I certainly did not expect that.

I don’t want to spoil the fun for anyone who has not yet read the five novels, of which the fourth was definitely my favorite. However it would be great to know what is to come? Another character is going to die and I wonder who as in book 4 and 5 someone died and you never thought they would. I wonder if Dumbledore lives to the end? And should Harry himself die to kill Voldemort? However more pressing who is this half blood Prince? A new character?

My Prediction is that we will get to know Neville a bit better. Who is to die? Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t think it is going to be Dumbledore, Ron or Hermione. As to the half blood Prince I think it refers to a new character. However I mite be wrong.

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