Yes Yes Yes, I know it's immoral and bad for the environment and an unnecessary luxury and everything, and if I have a car at all I should drive a Volvo Bifuel (like GOD (known to most of us lesser mortals as Michael Stipe) does and no Bi-Jokes now, please)or whatever, but the truth is: I'm a Mercedes Freak, bigtime like. So what I did yesterday morning is I went to the Mercedes Benz Museum on the actual Mercedes Plant grounds in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, Germany. And, F**k me Pink! Even if you're not a Mercedes afficinado (like my significant other, who knows f**k-all about cars as a matter of fact, and still loved it), you'll stil have your two hours of fun and amazement: they show the original first motorcar on this planet, the Benz Patentmotorwagen from 1886, they show last years Formula One Championship car, of course (unfortunately Mika Häkkinen is not part of the exhibit, sorry girls), they show the current models to sit in and try if you feel comfortable (and, believe me, the 300 CLK Kompressor feels VERY comfy), they show historical Mercedes cars like the Popemobile owned by Paul VI and of course their most beautiful creations up to the late sixties (no exhibit of my favorite series ever, the 116 from the 1970's, unfortunately). But even with this drawback, if you're ever in southwest germany (which is a beautiful place anyway), go there. Entry is free, of yourse, there's a lovley Cafeteria with reasonable prices and a pretty cool gift-shop, too. And of course when you're riding in on the Shuttle-Bus, you can get a good peek at all the amazing four-wheeled creations standing around on the factory grounds...
*driving off in what's, embarrassingly enough, my VW Polo*
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