Halfiax survival tips
Created | Updated Dec 22, 2004
1) Find a roommate and do anything you have to to stay with that person. Trust-worthy people in such and enviroment are few and far between; when you finally find someone who is both honest and compatable, you've found an ideal that most others will never have. Needing each other to exist may sound co-dependant, but it's either that or live in the streets, so tak eyour pick.
2) When you've found someone and somewhere to live, you need to establish several identities, just in case one makes a mistake (owes money, gets fines, ect.), the others are there to take over. The more cards pointing to these secondary personalities the better; cards are who people are now, after all. Magnetic stripes that say whether or not you should owe or get paid.
3) When your personalitied, next is establishing both lines of work and food. This is much harder than it seems, especially in Halifax, where jobs typical have between 20 and 30 hours a week at just slightly above minimum wage. The Grociery store will be your best friend in both these reguards, and if you work there, food is just right there ot eat. Knock that roll to the floor, go ahead. It'll keep you going for a few more hours. ANd who's going to miss a roll?
4) With these three things covered, you should be good to go into the salty streets of Halifax. Good luck from all of us here at the guide and the Department of No Resources.