Sweden, Norrköping

1 Conversation

The city of Norrköpin is located 130km south of Swedens capitol Stockholm.
130 000 inhabitants.
Norrköping is a nice town with a river floating right thru it, you can actually fish salmon(big ones).
N. has teams in soccer, basketball who both play in the highest divisions. Nightlife is not so great only 2 big nightclubs, but there is numerus bars where you can suck down a few cold ones though.
You can also ride the tram here(only Norrk. and Gothenburg in Sweden), if you think that´s fun!
Sweden is big on "fika", wich means to go and take a cup of coffé with your friends or by yourself.
The town prison is located right in the middle of the city, scary stuff. It contains a few of the countrys worst criminals...
You can see the Saint of the city on top of City Hall, his name is Gull-Olle and is one golden boy.
Oh I almost forgot, lots of nice chics.

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