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This is a hip-hop slang term which is used to describe diamonds, jewelry and all forms of showy style, particulary of the gaudy kind. It was popularized by New Orleans rap family Cash Money Millionaires in the late 1990s and started gaining national awareness with a song titled "Bling Bling" by Cash Money artist BG.

It is now used by many members of "Generation X" and Generation "Y." It is used both as a noun ("I got bling-bling on") and a verb ("You are bling-blinging it tonight, man!"). On 30 April 2003, it was added to the Oxford English dictionary, making its usage universally accepted.

Paradoxically in southwest Asia it can also mean something cheap. For example, if you are looking for fake Rolex watches or Oakleys, you would ask the salesman for the bling bling specials.

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