What Mathematics Are Worth to Society and What They Are Therefore Worth To Us

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I think we should study mathematics to conform society in a way that will modify the world in a better way. For one, the more people who are of great value to society will be of great value to not only to society, but the environment around us and away from us. We should study mathematics to be able to learn more about ourselves and what’s around us, and to be able to create immense advances in technology year by year. An example of this would be Bill Gates, being an incredible math genius, is the richest being on the face of the Earth and possibly the whole solar system, for that matter, all because he used his nerdy brain to own his own computer company, which has proved to be an incredible help to even more advancements in technology.

“What Society pays you for your services is what you’re worth to Society.” – Dr. Johnson

Of course, there is a minimum level of math required to be of use to society: calculus. If you learn calculus, you can have it all, and you can have it all because you’ll be able to get a job that Society needs you for and will pay you a lot for. It is a proven fact that calculus is the minimum level required.

I also think we should study mathematics to gain a feeling of reason and responsibility to ourselves and of course to Society. We need a language that is easy to compute with, not only with ourselves but with the entire universe.

Math—an everyday basic—is not only just numbers and simple yet surprisingly complex formulas, but a literally universal language that is essential to everything, put plain and simple and without going into so much detail as to hold another lecture about it again. Therefore, the more advanced math we know the more we’re worth to Society, and the more we’re worth to Society the more we’re worth to everything else, and that is only a brief theory of why I think everyone should study mathematics.

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