Ultimate Boredom

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Note: this article applies to avid computer users only. However, everyone where should be a computer user, so this statement was rather silly.

The one single sign that a computer user is suffering from Ultimate Boredom is: re-organizing your bookmarks. One has to have looked at every other website they can think of at the time, and visited every lowly chatroom they can stand before actually sitting and organizing their bookmarks. After an evening of Ultimate Boredom, bookmarks go from being causally strewn about your menu, to sitting in their own neat little folders and sub-folders, all in alphabetical order. This, however, does not apply to the person who is generally anal about their computer's organization in the first place. You know, the kind who need the same number of icons lined up perfectly and symmetrically on each side of their desktop. If this is the case, then they'll most likely spend their evening checking the bookmarks for broken links, resetting all the font and font colors at least three times, and color-coordinating the icons on their desktop.

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