Yak Attack!

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Yak Attack! is a very simple game invented in the late nineties. It is most easily played while camping in Tibet (for reason that will shortly become clear), athough a determined person may play it almost anywhere.
The only items required for this game are two players, a dice, a large tent, and a sleeping Yak (ideally a fully grown male, although immature or female Yaks are acceptable for the non-purist).
The players assemble in the tent either side of the sleeping Yak, rolling the dice in turn to determine the order of play, the player rolling the highest number being the first to play.
The game proper then commences with the first player leaning towards the Yak and whispering "Yak". The other player repeats this, and play then passes back and forth with "Yak" being uttered at increasing volume until the Yak is disturbed from it's slumber. The person who awakens the Yak is determined the loser and must remain in the tent. The winner is free to leave the tent, and may take any of the losers possesions worth salvaging.

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