My Raven Series

1 Conversation


Week one...

Umbra (girl, moon)
Airda (boy, cloud)
Niha (girl, sun)
Ganda (boy, water)
Kinta (girl, mountain)
Wilta (boy, tree)


Week - One
Day - One
Challenge - One
Name - Warrior's Gate

Niha - Three Rings,
Umbra - Two Rings,
Wilta - One Ring,
Ganda - Preserved,
Kinta - Prserved,
Airda - Preserved.

Niha 9.3
Umbra 9.2
Wilta 9.1
Ganda 9.0
Kinta 9.0
Airda 9.0

Week - One
Day - One
Challenge - Two
Name - Spider's Web

Team One - Niha, Wilta and Kinta - All won One Ring.
Team Two - Umbra, Ganda and Airda - All won One Ring.

Niha 9.4
Umbra 9.3
Wilta 9.2
Ganda 9.1
Kinta 9.1
Airda 9.1

Week - One
Day - One
Challenge - Three
Name - Loch Leap

Umbra - Three Rings.
Niha, Wilta, Kinta and Airda - One Ring.
Ganda - Lost One Life.

Umbra 9.6
Niha 9.5
Wilta 9.3
Kinta 9.2
Airda 9.2
Ganda 8.1

Week - One
Day - One
Challenge - Four
Name - The Chasm

Umbra and Niha complete the challenge. Umbra won Two Rings and gave One Ring to Niha.

Umbra 9.8
Niha 9.6
Wilta 9.3
Kinta 9.2
Airda 9.2
Ganda 8.1

Week - One
Day - One
Challenge - Five
Name - Demon Army

Team One - Umbra, Wilta and Airda - Lose One Life.
Team Two - Niha, Kinta and Ganda - Lose One Life.

Umbra 8.8
Niha 8.6
Wilta 8.3
Kinta 8.2
Airda 8.2
Ganda 7.1


Week - One
Day - Two
Challenge - One
Name - Demon Square

Kinta - Won One Ring
Umbra, Niha, Wilta, Airda and Ganda - Lost One Life.

Kinta 8.3
Umbra 7.8
Niha 7.6
Wilta 7.3
Airda 7.2
Ganda 6.1

Week - One
Day - Two
Challenge - Two
Name - Skull Cage

Umbra - Won One Ring - Kinta knocked down her Skull for her.
Kinta - Lost One Life - Knocked down a Red Skull.

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.6
Kinta 7.3
Wilta 7.3
Airda 7.2
Ganda 6.1

Week - One
Day - Two
Challenge - Three
Name - The Leap Of Faith

Wilta and Airda - Won Three Rings
Niha, Kinta and Ganda - Won One Ring
Umbra - Preserved - She didn't try to get the Rings.

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.7
Wilta 7.6
Airda 7.5
Kinta 7.4
Ganda 6.2

Week - One
Day - Two
Challenge - Four
Name - Dragon's Blood

Ganda - Won One Ring
Kinta - Lost One Life - Spilt The Blood.

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.7
Wilta 7.6
Airda 7.5
Kinta 6.4
Ganda 6.3

Week - One
Day - Two
Challenge - Five
Name - The Way Of The Warrior

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.7
Wilta 7.6
Airda 7.5
Kinta 6.4
Ganda 6.3

Raven - "Ganda, even though you have won the last two challenges, you sting languish in last place, behind Kinta, who is only one ring ahead of you. If you should complete it, this challenge will fall to her."

Ganda - Failed and was Eliminated from this quest.
Elimination Point - Swing Ball Carousel.
Cause - Tripped at the End.

Raven - "Farewell Ganda - Take your standard and begin the long journey home, as a Warrior."

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.7
Wilta 7.6
Airda 7.5
Kinta 6.4


Week - One
Day - Three
Challenge - One
Name - Dark Forest

Raven - "Umbra, as our Leader, you do not have to face this challenge."

Niha Verses Wilta - Niha Wins One Ring - Webra stepped off path, Lost One Life.
Airda Verses Kinta - Airda Wins One Ring - Kinta stepped off the path, lost One Life.

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.8
Airda 7.6
Wilta 6.6
Kinta 5.4

Week - One
Day - Three
Challenge - Two
Name - Raven's Eye

Umbra, Niha, Airda - Hit the board and Preserved their lives.
Wilta - Hit the Eye Twice and won 4R.
Kinta - Hit the Serpent, Lost One Life.

Umbra 8.0
Niha 7.8
Airda 7.6
Wilta 7.1
Kinta 4.4

Week - One
Day - Three
Challenge - Three
Name - Riddle Bridge

Umbra and Niha - Failed to guess the correct answer, Lost One Life.
Airda and Wilta - Guessed the correct answer "Ghost" and won One Ring Each.

Airda 7.7
Wilta 7.2
Umbra 7.0
Niha 6.8
Kinta 4.4

Week - One
Day - Three
Challenge - Four
Name - Deep Loch

Umbra - Three Rings
Kinta - Two Rings
Wilta - One Ring
Airda - Preserved
Niha - Lost One Life.

Airda 7.7
Wilta 7.3
Umbra 7.3
Niha 5.8
Kinta 4.6

Week - One
Day - Three
Challenge - Five
Name - The Way Of The Warrior

Airda 7.7
Wilta 7.3
Umbra 7.3
Niha 5.8
Kinta 4.6

Raven - "Kinta, yesterday you avoided The Way Of The Warrior by One ring and were extremely lucky. But today, you lag behind by more then One Life, and it is your turn to face this terrible challenge.

Kinta - Failed and was eliminated from this quest.
Elimination point - Levitating Boulder.
Cause - The Boulder Knocked her shoulder, throwing her off the beam.

Raven - "Farewell Kinta! Take your standard and travel home with your head high, knowing you have come so far."

Airda 7.7
Wilta 7.3
Umbra 7.3
Niha 5.8


Week - One
Day - Four
Challenge - One
Name - Wrestling Ring

Airda beat Wilta and won One Ring. Wilta lost One Life.
Umbra beat Niha and won One Ring. Niha lost One Life.

Airda 7.8
Umbra 7.4
Wilta 6.3
Niha 4.8

Week - One
Day - Four
Challenge - Two
Name - Tower Build

Airda and Niha - Lost One Life.
Umbra and Wilta - Won One Ring Each.

Umbra 7.5
Airda 6.8
Wilta 6.4
Niha 3.8

Week - One
Day - Four
Challenge - Three
Name - High Walk

Airda, Niha, Umbra and Wilta - All Won Four Rings.

Umbra 8.0
Airda 7.3
Wilta 6.8
Niha 4.3

Week - One
Day - Four
Challenge - Four
Name - Ring Rack

Umbra beat Airda - Umbra Won Three Rings - Airda Lost One Life.
Niha beat Wilta - Niha Won Three Rings - Wilta Lost One Life.

Umbra 8.3
Airda 6.3
Wilta 5.8
Niha 4.6

Week - One
Day - Four
Challenge - Five
Name - The Way Of The Warrior

Raven - "Niha, a few days ago, you were planted firmly in second place, but now you have been in last place for the whole day. This challenge is your burden to face."

Niha - Failed and Was Elimintated from this quest.
Elimination Point - First Clamping Jaw.
Cause - Tripped Underneath Jaw.

Raven - "Farewell Niha. Many a brave warrior has fallen here. Take your standard, and begin the journey home, with the pride that you got so far."

Umbra 8.3
Airda 6.3
Wilta 5.8


Week - One
Day - Five
Challenge - One
Name - Blasted Mountain - The Chasm.

Umbra, Airda and Wilta - Failed and Lost One Life.

Umbra 7.3
Airda 5.3
Wilta 4.8

Week - One
Day - Five
Challenge - Two
Name - Blasted Mountain - Boulder Run

Umbra, Airda and Wilta - All Won Three Rings.

Umbra 7.6
Airda 5.6
Wilta 5.2

Week - One
Day - Five
Challenge - Three
Name - Blasted Mountain - Skull Grab

Umbra - Completed it with ease and Won One Ring.
Wilta - Was close behind Umbra, but just lost out. Lost One Life.
Airda - Dropped his skull in the goo and couldn't get it out. Lost One Life.

Umbra 7.7
Airda 4.6
Wilta 4.2

Week - One
Day - Five
Challenge - Four
Name - Blasted Mountain - Stone Soldiers

Wilta - Completed it slowly but surely and Won One Ring.
Airda - Rushed and pieced it together wrong. Lost One Life.
Umbra - Had trouble at the top. Lost One Life.

Umbra 6.7
Wilta 4.3
Airda 3.6

Week - One
Day - Five
Challenge - Five
Name - The Last Stand

Raven - "This evil challenge is the work of my arch enemy, Nevar. I must find an Ultimate Warrior to help me exterminate him for good. Is that any of you? Umbra, with Six Lives and Seven Rings you are our leader and will start ahead of Wilta, with only Four Lives and Three Rings. Wilta, you will start ahead of Airda, who has only Three Lives and Six Rings left. Let the challenge begin!"

Key On The Chain - The warriors must drag a key along a jagged pole and open a lock at the end to get puzzle pieces.

Umbra - Opened the lock first, but with a bit of a struggle.
Wilta - Breezed through and opened the lock second, catching up with Umbra.
Airda - Got through easily and opened the lock third.

Puzzle - Use the puzzle pieces to construct a picture of all the emblems to vanquish a demon and gain a lever.

Wilta - Completed the puzzle first and overtook Umbra.
Umbra - Completed the puzzle second, she let Wilta overtake her because, at first she built it upside-down.
Airda - Completed the puzzle third, at a steady pace.

Crawl - The Warriors must jump a hurdle, crawl under a wooden frame low to the ground and jump another hurdle - with their levers.

Umbra - Crawled through easily and overtook Wilta again.
Airda - Also crawled through easily and overtook Wilta.
Wilta - Struggled over the hurdles and got overtaken.

Lever - The Warriors must push a lever, which they have, to vanquish another demon and gain a cylinder with the pictures of emblems on it.

Umbra - Completed it first, easily.
Airda - Completed it second, with difficulty.
Wilta - Completed it third, with ease.

Cylinder - The Warriors must put their cylinder in a hole and match it up with the emblems on the outside of the hole, then runn through the portal.

Umbra - Slotted in the cylinder and darted through the portal first.
Airda - Fumbled around with it, allowing Wilta to catch him up. Finally got it in and run through the portal second.
Wilta - Slid in the cylinder and dashed for the portal, only to be eliminated by Nevar as Airda got in before him.

Raven - "Congratulations to Umbra and Airda, they have strived to get so far in this competiton. But their hardships are not over, for they will have to fight with four other warriors for the title Ultimate Champion. But I must not forget their comrade, Wilta. He too, suffered the same hardships as them, but fell at the final hurdle." Raven raises his staff of power and brings back Wilta. "Wilta, even though you did not get through, many have not got as far as you, and you should be proud of that. Collect your standard and come with me, I will accompany you for the first part of your journey home."



Week Two...

Webra (boy,cloud)
Lisra (girl,tree)
Dantri (boy,sun)
Arawi (girl,mountain)
Jadec (boy,moon)
Naera (girl,water)


Week - Two
Day - One
Challenge - One
Name - Warrior's Race

Naera - Won Three Rings,
Webra - Won Two Rings,
Jadec - Won One Ring,
Lisra - Preserved,
Arawi - Preserved,
Dantri - Preserved.

Naera 9.3
Webra 9.2
Jadec 9.1
Lisra 9.0
Arawi 9.0
Dantri 9.0

Week - Two
Day - One
Challenge - Two
Name - Spider's Web

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