Learning Norwegian

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Ah, Norway... a very beautiful country indeed. Visited by people from all over the world. But what use is there in going there unless you know any phrases to impress the Norwegians with?
Exactly... So that's why I've collected a small amount of rather important words and phrases you most certainly need if you want to get around in Norway.


English Norwegian

Good day God dag
Thank you Tusen takk (tusen=1000, takk=thanks)
You’re welcome Vær så god
Please Vær så snill
How much is the… Hvor mye koster…
What time is it? Hva er klokken?
How do I get to the… Hvordan kommer jeg meg til…
Left/right Venstre/høyre
Food Mat
Where can I… Hvor kan jeg…
Sleep sove
Eat spise
Get drunk bli full
Party feste
Have sex ha sex
Yes Ja
No Nei

Well, that was just the essentials. Things everybody wants to know. But, if you really really want to make friends in Norway, you’ll have to learn these words/phrases:

Norwegian English

Sverige stinker Sweden stinks
Ja,vi elsker dette landet yes, we love this country
(norwegian national anthem)
Nei til EU No to the EU
Neste runde er på meg Next round is on me
Senk skatten Lower the tax level
Mer penger til skolene More money to the schools
Jan Teigen ruler Jan Teigen rules
Skal vi se Hotel Cesar? Wanna watch Hotel Cesar?
Hotel Cesar is a Norwegian Soap Opera)
Lenge leve kongen Long live the King

Now you know everything you need to know to fit right in. If you still have any questions you can ask the next Norwegian you meet:
"Hvor er nærmeste skole?" Which means: "Where’s the nearest school?"

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