Bar 'n' Bus

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The phenomenon known as the multicoloured Bar 'n' Bus...

What is the Bar ‘n’ Bus?

The Bus (as everyone refers to it as) is a Christian youth project. There are a couple of buses in use - old buses that are spray painted in various colours and anti-drugs messages. They have a bar 1 amongst other things and it is on the bus - hence the name.

Why does the bus go out?

Amongst using the buses to “Share our Christian lifestyle and positive life values to these young people who are seeking help care and friendship”, the bus is there to promote drug and alcohol prevention, to provide a listening ear, practical help and wise counsel to young people.

Where and when does the Bus go out?

The Bus is based in south-east Essex in England, around Southend on Sea and the surrounding the areas. During the week, the bus goes out to Belfairs Wood on a Wednesday night, to Southend Seafront on a Friday night etc. New teams are also being formed in the areas of Rayleigh and Canvey Island.

How does the bus go out?

The bus is able to continue operating because of the people who volunteer to be part of the teams and the churches/organisations who donate money towards this charity. They don’t get paid for it, it can be time consuming, hard work and they don’t get a lot of recognition for it.

What else does the Bar ‘n’ Bus trust do?

The Bar ‘n’ Bus trust also has a static centre in Hadleigh, Essex. It has many facilities – pool tables, a bar/café and some computers for internet access. The bus also visits local schools to take assemblies and CU meetings on the Bus.

So, now you know what the Bus is all about, if you need a chat about anything, (mostly) good advice and a nice hot drink or an energetic game of no-rule football, a listening ear and a place to make some good friends, then come along to one of the Buses or to the Static centre 2

The bus is a good project to get involved with - so please support it. If you would like any more information on this project, or how to get a project like this started in your neighbourhood, then please leave a message in my forum area! Thanks ;-)

Link to the Bar'n'Bus site

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1non-alcoholic – sorry all you Father Jack impersonators 2 Or if you need to get away from your parents, siblings, dog, fish, homework etc.

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