A Conversation for My Sex Life

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 41

Mad Gerald (Gigolo & Owner of Heaven Sent - H2G2 Dating Agency !!! A312184)

smiley - sadface

smiley - bigeyes

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 42

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Marv will hear confession at any time. Oh and don't mind the recorder it is just that my hearing is failing at times so I like to be able to errrrrmmm.... I guess that is not much of an alibi.....

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 43

Demon Drawer

Marv I need some Choccie Brownies BAD!!! Unreqited love, terrible weekend I need the Choccie fix. smiley - smiley

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 44


DD smiley - smiley Try the choc fudge cake in this week's Post!! It's easy to make and very scrummy smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 45

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Did I miss something back then!!

Just what did Demon Drawer exactally mean when in a conversation about Condoms, he said and I quote "I wasn't asking you. Looks like I need to go buy some now though. I need to burst bad".

It don't sound to pleasant!!

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 46

Demon Drawer

Why don't you ask him yourself?

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 47

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

*steps back in shock*


Mr Drawer, just what did you me an when you said, and I quote again, "I wasn't asking you. Looks like I need to go buy some now though. I need to burst bad".


Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 48

Demon Drawer

It sprung from another conversation, at least the bursting bit did. I think one of the other ones attached to this article. I was looking forward to the first sex in about 3 weeks, unfortunatley with splitting up, I may have to go an burst a condom instead. I think that is all the information you require to answer your query. smiley - smiley

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 49

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den


*Wishes he hadn't have asked now!*

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 50

Demon Drawer

Or maybe that you'd read a few more forums before asking. smiley - winkeye

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 51

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I don't think this conversation is for you, Sid.
*covers Sid's ears*

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 52

Demon Drawer

Aw!!! Spoil sport. smiley - winkeye

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 53

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You don't know what I've covered his ears with. smiley - bigeyes

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 54

Demon Drawer

The mind boggles. smiley - smiley

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 55

Tikan (ACE)

And though life goes on, at least after a couple of baths.


Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 56

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

*Sid didn't hear any of that, which is probably a good thing*

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 57


We digress!!
I see that mr. Moxon hasn't found the time, or energy(!) to reply to this forum! Should we take it that he has other things going on in his life right now?
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 58

Demon Drawer

Surely h hasn't found one? If that's what you're implying?

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 59


Maybe he has. He was out clubbing at the weekend... smiley - winkeye

Suddenly and Unexpectantly: Mine....

Post 60

Demon Drawer

Tell me more, tell me more, did he get very far?

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