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Cycling is the most efficient method of transport known. It burns no fossil fuels , it is a gentle exercise that brings with it considerable benifit to the health and well being of those who do it. Bicycles are relativly cheap , widely available and very easy to use. Speeds on the flat of 13mph are easily maintainable by even the most unfit people . So a 2 mile ride to the shops and back will take less than 10 minutes each way .To get that in perspective , 13mph is as fast as world class marathon runners go.
Bikes are no good to carry big or heavy loads , but for most local journeys they are ideal . With a little practice average speeds can creep up to around 20mph on flattish terrain , and commutes of 10 or 15 miles each way then become feasable , and in some cases faster than cars or public transport.
Most journeys that people make are less than a mile , for many of these journies the bike is ideal . But there are problems . First of all , there are too many cars on the road , and many people do not feel safe. Bikes are not seen as a form of transport , but as liesure items , things to be used for fun. Bikes are not registered , and are easy to steal.

The government is well aware of the benifits of cycling , but chooses to put all its efforts into hurting car drivers and talking about piblic transport.

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