A Conversation for The Edmonton Grads: The Original Dream Team

Peer Review: A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 1


Entry: The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty - A3368018
Author: anhaga (more than enough is too much) - U215480

Just a little something that seemed to be missing from the Guide.

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 2


This is a very interesting bit of history. Remember, though, that since this is originally a British site under the auspices of a British Broadcasting Corporation, we need to use British conventions. Thus, it's 'specialised', not 'specialized', and single quotes should be used instead of double ones.

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 3


This is a very interesting bit of history. Remember, though, that since this is originally a British site under the auspices of a British Broadcasting Corporation, we need to use British conventions. Thus, it's 'specialised', not 'specialized', and single quotes should be used instead of double ones.

smiley - dragon

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 4


Shite! I thought I got all those pesky double quotes out of there! And the zeds too.smiley - run

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 5


Is that better?

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 6


Is that better?

smiley - winkeye

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 7


Oh, quite, thank you! smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 8


Okay, I don't like to do this, but


A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 9


There is no need to bump it. Some of us are perfectly well aware of the existence of this fascinating little gem of an entry smiley - winkeye

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 10


Just making sure.smiley - smiley

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 11


smiley - erm

but seriously . . .

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 12

Skankyrich [?]

I think it's great, but the only quibble I have it that you might want to mention basketball in the title? The Edmonton Grads mean nothing to most Brits and I'm sure more people would read it if they had an idea what it was about!

Apart from that I think it's really well-written and concise!

smiley - cheers

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 13


I figured the "Dream Team" reference in the title would do itsmiley - erm

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 14

Dr Hell

This Entry is great!


A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 15


Thank you, Hell.

smiley - smiley

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

Sorry, I may be a total ignoramous but have never heard of the Dream Team smiley - doh

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 17

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

The only Dream Team I've heard of is the football manager series (at least I think that was what it was about, I never watched it) on Sky/cable TV, but then I'm not a sports fan smiley - smiley

I'm sure many sports fans will know about Dream Team and enjoy the Entry. smiley - goodluck

smiley - rose

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 18


The only Dream Team I ever actually knew about was a Junior Model United Nations delegation at my school who represented France at a Junior Model United Nations conference (a program for teenagers that simulates the real UN). But I've heard it used to refer to various sports teams and the like.

smiley - dragon

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 19


It doesn't really matter to me. I'd be happy with the present title or the title I originally had "The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty" or even "The Edmonton Grads: A Basketball Dynasty". I'd be happy to leave it up to a subeditor.smiley - smiley

A3368018 - The Edmonton Grads: A Sporting Dynasty

Post 20


I think - for clarity's sake - that it'd be good for a sub to include Basketball somewhere in the title of the entry.

Many thanks! smiley - smiley


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