Stargate Command: Re Instated - The Rules
Created | Updated May 27, 2007
1)Continuity, you can't just 'appear' anywhere you have to *Leave* one thread to *Enter* another, except the OOC thread
2)Try not to predict another players moves i:e *Fires gun, XXX falls down dead* this isn't fair on other players, they may want to dodge the bullet, obviously is doesn't apply to Non Playing Character's like Jaffa
3)*..* means Action i:e *She knocked on the door* <..> means Out of Character i:e <I'm off see you later> ~~..~~means a though i:e ~~Wow he's got a big nose~~ and \/\..\/\ means communication i:e \/\incomming message\/\, try and use them, I'll not wrap your knuckles if you forget once or twice
4) Many an RPG has been ruined by constant bitching and snide comments, if you want to have a row use the OOC thread, please don't clog up the game threads, if your rows look like they're getting out of hand drop me a line here U190551 and I'll try and mediate
5) The Gate will be open for 5 posts anyone else wanting to join must re dial from the gateroom
6) Anyone can play Non Playing Character's like Walter the Gate Tech, you don't have to wait around for someone to play them.
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