Wow - That Long !
Created | Updated Nov 30, 2004
Christmas comes, yet but a ferkin,
but when it comes
your ferking working.
Wow! Has it really been 5 years since I lead an early group of Researchers and created the h2g2 Post. Doesn't time fly!
The first Issue was December 6th 1999 and
My First words were:
Welcome to the first issue of the 'h2g2 POST'. Every week we will be updating our pages to give you informative and interesting articles on what is going on, in and around h2g2. In the main the POST will be a community paper, very much like your Local Rag. Unlike a local paper it will also, to a smaller degree, include world news where you will be able to read about topical issues and talk to people who are on the scene.
I am not going to reel off a list of names of the early reseachers who were all involved at the time. The list can be read on the first edition, here.
I can say
DNA himself visited the Post and I believe did so a number of times before he died.
Soon after the launch, I realised that IRL, work preasures would not allow me to continue as ChiefEd. Pastey emailed me and very gingerly approached the subject, so as not to upset me, but I took his suggestion with open arms. This lead to a virtual meeting being set up between
Pastey and
Shazz to ensure the future of the h2g2Post.
Shazz became Chief and Pastey continued through as Post Guru and I, voluntry relegated to Post Reporter (Ed retired).
Since then the Post has gone from strength to strength, thanks to Shazz and her band of helpers. I do not know how her hubby puts up with it as a computer widower. It must be L-O-V-E.
Now - 5 Years on - The death of DNA - Servers moved to the Beeb - the many changes to the Original Members of the Towers, the h2g2Post lives on as the heart of the community and long may it do so.
Thank you to all those who helped keep it alive - too many to mention, but you know who you are.
Thank you - Happy Christmas and very Wealthy New year to all.