Lunch & dinner in Hong Kong

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When you are in Hong Kong and feel hungry, when you´d like to eat something absolutely unique and don´t want to spend too much money for it, then try (THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL) Kublai´s.

Kublai´s provides food they claim to be Mongolian. Never mind, it´s delicious anyway. Whereas, the process to get your food may be a little confusing. It´s as simple as that:

Take the little chip wich lies at your place with the number on and go to the buffet. Take a tray and a bowl. Put all the components you wish to eat from the buffet (they are un-cooked, that´s ok), and put them in the bowl. Add a good choice of sauces from the sauce buffet! Put the number on your tray and hand it all to the cook. He fries your choice on a hot plate; the waitress/waiter will bring your food to your place. BE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR NUMBER! You can repeat this as often as you want to.

The best drink to choose is a glass / pitcher of local beer. The food will be some HK$ 138.- (all you can eat), the pitcher of beer will be some HK$ 80.- (each). You´ll find Kublai´s in

Kowloon, Tsimshatsui, 55 Kimberley Rd., Tel. 2722-0733;
Causeway Bay, 1 Keswick St., Tel.2882-3282;
3/F One Capital Place, 18 Luard Rd., Tel. 2529-9117.

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