Getting away with it

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Don’t get me wrong at all I think we have a good police service a good system of justice. But of later it has come to my notice and I am sure loads of others that some crimes and punishment just don’t figure.

But it seem to me that some crimes which you would think the only course of punishment is a good stiff prison term living on bread and water, and hard labour but what do they get, three course meals catered for their needs, a soft bed, education which for the rest of us would have to buy though the nose for. No bills to pay, good hospital care and doctor care where the rest of use would have to wait in line or a waiting list or wait for days to a doctor or any kind, dental care they don’t have to buy for, legal advise when ever, with no person saying we don’t do that sort of legal work. Light work which they get paid for, get anything they want, and that includes drugs on demand.

You get people going to prison for some readily daft crime like not paying council tax and then you get someone who killed someone by drink driving getting a tap on the wrist, a fine and told not to do it again. It does not matter what the crime is, it’s the punishment that is the problem. There are no incentives not to commit a crime at any age.

Kids today know they can get away with anything, because they know that when they turn 18 all crimes are clean off the slate and they can have a nice normally live, not hold against them for jobs or education if they want, even pretend that they was good little angles and say it was always someone eases fault. Even if they get caught, the best the courts can do is fine the parent, which is sometimes not their fault, Kids leave the courts smiling and joking, going back to school bragging to their mates what they did and how they got away with it again, no shame what so every, and god for bid if parents decide to punish the kids them self, they find them self in court and then in prison and then on the register. The shame for these parents is that they lose their jobs there homes their reputation, just because they want to make things right, but the kids on the right tracks. Kids know they got you over the barrel, in school, at home and on the streets. How many times have you been told by some yob that they will get the police and say that you did something to them, and their little friends all grin at you and say they saw it all happen, (you know, lie in court) and since the courts HAVE to believe the kids in that or any other case, you are done for. How many times have you want to step in and do something to stop a crime happening but to afraid to do anything, because the kids have the upper hand. How many times have you read in the paper how some one was accused of something, tried and convicted, and then it turns out it was the kids making it up just because they can or was trying to get even with that adult. Don’t get me wrong there are some people out there that are worst of the worst when it come to crimes against kids and those ones that need not putting away but dealt with in the worst way. Hence punishment is not always the best thing consider what I said before, they get a nice ease live and then get to come out and do it all again.

So, what is there to be done, you got kids at home or on the streets making your live miserable with threats and demands, you can not punish them because the government has said you can’t, you got social services, (bless their hearts they do try, but they do have some bad eggs in their basket) on you tail, telling you that you are doing it all wrong and that’s why you kids are bad, they (the kids) get help and guidance to them but what about the adults with all the problems, what do they get, fines and shame or worst jail time.

I know what you are think, you are thinks it’s the parents fault that kids turn bad, must of beat them, hurt them, not even real advice about the real world, no amount of reason or punishment is enough for the kids of today, they know they can do anything and get away with it. And its not just the kids is it, it some more the posh side of the street we have problems with that don’t give the right impression of things, how many times have you seen in the paper, TV that some rich kid or adult has got away with a really bad thing where the rest of use would be bang up for and have walk out with nothing more than a slap on the wrist only to go out and do it again. How many of you out there in the real world, find that there is nothing for you to do but sit back and pray that live would get better. How many of you out there would give anything to get the life you dream of, am not talking about money, how many of you wish that your kids was more polite or give just a small amount of respect, how many of you out there would love for just once that someone out there world say “Hi am here for you, I will go out of my way to help” How many of you would just wish that someone would say “I know you did your best its not your fault they turn out that way” How many of you would love just once that the punishment would fit the crime and that the liar would face a worst fate when they found out, no amount of money could give back the heartache and reputation of what was lost or have been done to you.

I know what you are thinking. TUT, another moaning, whinging person, not happy with what they got. Your right. I am moaning and whinging, I am fed up with hard working folk, salvaging with two jobs, trying to raise kids, the right law abiding way, and all throw away because some mate of theirs got a nice fancy holiday for being a right yob. Getting away with everything, getting great applause from mates who think it’s so cool to get away with stuff. NO fear of the law, NO fear of punishment.
And if that is not good enough, if they think they are being victimised by the system you could always get the UN for human rights to get involved, Saying cruel and inhuman treatment for being locked up for doing a crime, boohoo.

I know what is wrong with me, I watch to many sci-fi about the future how it’s golden and great and wish we can have that sort of thing here and now. Maybe we can’t have it now but for heavens sake can’t we at lest get the ball rounding before this planet becomes a primal colony of the universe.

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