Love, unrequited

2 Conversations

Unrequited love. As a hobby, it's right up there with tiger wrestling, rhino juggling and hitting yourself in the groin repeatedly with a cricket bat. A writer of far greater subtlety than I, once compared it to tyrany, cruelty, burnt toast and bus stations. Personally I don't think it's that nice. I mean, lets just say you liked someone at school but you never told them even on the last day after your exams, (June 1990, for example) and you carry a torch for them, over the years. Lets just say you happen to meet them again and they've married someone forty years their senior and they've got two kids and you hate yourself for not saying anything when she was young, free and single. Let's just say for sake of argument, that this happened. It wouldn't be nice, would it? Well, it wouldn't be, if it was real and not an example I'm offering you. It's even worse if, say just for the sake of argument, there was someone you really fancied who you became friends with and hung around through boyfriend after boyfriend, standing by them just in case they changed their minds and suddenly started fancying you. Doing this even though they've said that they think you're a lovely person and nice (nice!! What a hateful word) but they could never fancy you. (It could be worse. They might say they love you like a brother. I hate that when that happens in hypothetical situations like this one.) I'm glad I've never done that...

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