Religion And Its Effects On Livestock Behavior

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To begin, religion is a group of supposed facts that human beings can choose to believe in to give their lives structure, or purpose, or some other baloney.
As a summary, religions tell their believers how to live their lives if they want to die and go to a better place (hereafter known as Six Flags Over Eternity) instead of a worse place (hereafter known as Truck Stop Restroom #23). But, you have no certainty whether or not you are actually going to Six Flags Over Eternity, so you devote the majority of your spare time attempting to stay out of Truck Stop Restroom #23. Plus, of course, you donate time and/or money to your religious leaders to bribe your chosen god. (Possibly. I'm still unclear on this point.)
However, religions can reduce their followers to simple cows.
In conclusion, always strive to be last in line entering church.

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