The Strategy Centre

2 Conversations

Welcome, intrepid Thursdayite, to the Strategy Centre. This is where the latest information from our spy will be posted, and also where the relative positions of different societies1 is displayed.

Spy reportssmiley - spacesmiley - ghost

See the threads at the base of this page.

Who's on which side?

You had to go for the difficult questions, didn't you... smiley - laugh. The following is what we know about different clubs and societies:

Pro-Thursdayite clubs and societies

  • The Thursdayites

Clubs and societies which favour Thursday slightly

  • The No-things - not really up to much, are they...

Neutral clubs and societies

  • The Terranic Army - they have a mix of pro-Thursday and pro-Thing
  • The Assassins - they work for anyone, provided they get paid
  • The Thieves Guild
  • All of the clubs and societies not mentioned here.

Clubs and societies which favour Thing slightly

  • Wonko Incorporated

Pro-Thingite clubs and societies

  • The Thingites
  • The Sporkites

1If we can tell...

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