Campaign for Thursday Member Data

0 Conversations

Who said you could look at this? Clear off before I call security...

These are the rough days on which the different Thursdayites joined up.

Thursday - Sunday 21/11/04

Simetra - Sunday 21/11/04

NAITA - Monday 22/11/04

Recumbentman - Monday 22/11/04

Master B - Monday 22/11/04

Ottox - Monday 22/11/04

Skenvoy - Monday 22/11/04

bubba-fretts - Monday 22/11/04

Santragenius V - Tuesday 23/11/04

Hel 2 - Wednesday 24/11/04

What_is_life - Thursday 25/11/04

AlecTrician - Thursday 25/11/04

Blackberry Cat - Thursday 25/11/04

Lady Admiral Ayeka - Sunday 28/11/04

moke - Tuesday 30/11/04

Colonel creachy - Saturday 11/12/04

Captain Khamsin - Saturday 11/12/04

Sergeant Mushroom - Sunday 12/12/04

JC - Monday 10/01/05

(redpeckhamthegratepompomwithknobson - Monday 10/01/05)

beccy - Monday 10/01/05

tyrone - Tuesday 11/01/05

Kiolok Destroyer of Worlds - Tuesday 11/01/05

<yawn> - Tuesday 11/01/05

2 legs - Saturday 15/01/05

Bagpuss - Sunday 16/01/05

Domitella - Tuesday 8/02/05

Thewyrdsister - Tuesday 15/02/05

CoolFriday - Tuesday 15/02/05

zafod_on_the_rocks - Wednesday 16/02/05

chorlton - about Thursday 24/02/05

katkodl - about Thursday 24/02/05

mrsfiftyfour - Thursday 03/03/05

Iluvatar - Sunday 06/03/05

Mr. Dreadful - Wednesday 09/03/05

SANCHO_PANSA - Wednesday 09/03/05

haustrian - Wednesday 09/03/05

another primate (called rik) - Thursday 10/03/05

DarkListener - Thursday 10/03/05

aepyornis - Thursday 10/03/05

d586poetpaul - can't remember exactly - about Thursday 10/03/05

Swizzles-Joe 27/04/05

Moonhogg - 28/04/05

scouse2026 - 29/04/05

caalan21 - 16/05/05

Rockillidan - 17/05/05

Adding a member

  1. Add name and message to members list
  2. Add to this page
  3. Add to Friends list
  4. Add to Ranks page at Rank of Thursdayite
  5. Add to Awards Page with a Smiley Face award

Assigning a job

  1. Congratulate them
  2. Give them details of what they need to do.
  3. Alter the table of jobs
  4. Place message on appropriate jobs thread (if not already done)
  5. Update Ranks page

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