Library Games

1 Conversation

The Library Game is not a game that you play in a library. That is, it's not chess, cards, or anything else that could be played in a library. It's a game that one plays at a library with the resource that is available, i.e. books .

The game itself

It's played with any number of people, you can be solitary or you can play with up to twenty, any way you like. The details of the game work out like this. First, a person who is chosen however you like decides on a topic. This can be as obscure as they like. They can ask for books in French, that are paperbacks, that have "la moi" in their title. The idea is that there are a limited number of books, but the subject has to be general enough for there to be several. You cannot have a single book such as "find the Encyclopedia of Astronomy". Otherwise the game is no fun! Good topic examples are:

  • Most useless book on a subject
  • Most useful book on a subject
  • Most obscure book on a subject
  • Most obscure journal

The winner is decided by who collects the book that's closest to the subject. Be warned, points can be deducted for looking like you're not a normal browser in the library, making to much noise, etc. Some versions of the game put time limits on browsing and it's vital that there is one decided meet up point at the end of the game. You can also play the game in a bookshop. The best type of library to play the game in is a academic library. Enjoy the game and have fun!

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