Bugatti Veyron

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The Bugatti Veyron is the newest production car made by Bugatti, the Italian/French car company. It is a phenomenom; and I don't use that word often. It has 1001bhp, a top speed of 253mph, a price tag of £845,000 (base price), an 8litre, W16 engine, with 64 valves and FOUR turbochargers.

(Nota Bene: This page will likely become a rant about the, unbelievable, facts and figures this thing produces)

This car (which is, really, BEYOND being a normal car, it is more of an engineering marvel); has TEN radiators!!! (Not including the non-covered engine) These are: 3 for the engine cooling system; 1 heat exchanger for the air-to-liquid intercoolers; 2 for the air conditioning system; 1 transmission oil radiator; 1 differential oil radiator; 1 engine oil radiator; and finally, one to cool the oil that lifts and retracts the rear-spoiler.

More soon...hopefully.

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