Art - what exactly is it?

2 Conversations

For those who are looking for a simple witty answer to this qustion here is advance warning that you are looking in the wrong place. Much thought and backrgound research has gone into this entry. The answer given here is consise and so also dense in meaning. If you want fairy floss, go to the amusement park. If you are looking for a serious answer to the question "What is Art?" and are willing to do a bit of thinking, then read on.

The human activity known as Art exists as a method for the communication of various forms of experience - emotional, intellectual, spiritual, political, and conceptual - within a cultural environment.

This communication takes the form of expression, physically and conceptually, of relationships of physical and/or conceptual objects, at one or more contextual level. It is the result of intuitive invention undertaken with a sense of exploration, even of play, and a desire to communicate some concept or experience to others through a physical medium.

The people who take part in this activity identify themselves as artists. Art is encountered by any who come into contact with the objects or situations arranged by those artists. These people are considered to be the art's audience.

To fully appreciate an artform the person experiencing the art may require some level of understanding - visual, aural, or conceptual - of the medium used, or its manifestation within its current cultural context.

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