A Conversation for Wisdom teeth

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 1


Entry: Wisdom teeth - A32998503
Author: Tigger_juggler - U7140789

I don't know why I seem to be able to remember this event in as much detail, given I was 18 at the time, and this was over 10 years ago. What surprises me more is that, like when I was 7 and had my adenoids out, I remember the whole day except when under anesthesia. Even there, both times I can say exactly what happened in the moments before I went under and when I came to, the latter of which had mildly funny results.

Not sure if this experience would fit into anything that would be useful for those looking at what it's like to have their wisdom teeth out, but there might be something here that's useful.

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

First person piece, so it's not suitable for the EG. It's quite a decent first person piece though - maybe submitting it to The Post would be a good idea?

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - thepost: <./>ThePost</.>

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, yes - this would make a terrific Post feature!

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 5


What exactly is the Post? I read the link, but it's still a bit confusing.

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

It's h2g2's fortnightly newsletter.

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

You can read it at <./>ThePost</.>; it's the fortnightly newsletter/magazine of the site. We're a showcase for all sorts of writing from opinion pieces to personal experiences and original poetry and fiction, and we'd be delighted if you'd like to submit it to us instead!

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 8


Sounds like it'd be something of interest, and if you think it's worthy of the Post, I'd be happy to submit it. Do I use the submission button or is it a different avenue? I just don't want to accidentally send it to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe by mistake, since I forgot to make a reservation for it. smiley - winkeye

A32998503 - Wisdom teeth

Post 9

Skankyrich [?]

First of all, you need to remove it from the Edited Guide Writing workshop by going to <./>RF2</.> and clicking the 'Remove' button next to it.

Then, send an email to the Post Team email saying that you want to submit it for the next issue. All you need to do is say that you would like A32998503 - Wisdom teeth to be included, and we'll do the rest. Use the handy big red submissions text link at U54963, or the one at the bottom of the page on <./>ThePost</.> smiley - ok

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