The Nature of Nargs: story of the Guts Dragon
Created | Updated Nov 15, 2004
He's a little dragon.
He's the little dragon that lives in your guts. He's a Guts Dragon.
You've heard him talking when your hungry, felt him writhing when you've given him something he doesn't like, and felt his tail when he's really hungry (Some people attribute this to bile, but it's Narg, trust me!)
Everyone has one, and they are all named Narg.
When you are hungry, but don't know what you want, this is Narg being a picky little so and so!
When he has gotten something he doesn't like, to quiet him down you can give him chalk to draw on either his blackboard, or the walls (depending on his mood!) Narg Chalk is easily found. It goes by many names (Mylanta, Quick-eze and such)
Narg has a little yellow raincoat and rain hat, and some big black gumboots, which he uses when vast quantities of liquid is poured on his head by his Hooman (you!) The morning after the liquid is tipped on him, he uses his gumboots to jump in all the puddles!