Planet Bubastis
Created | Updated Nov 14, 2004
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Bast is a System Lord and a Goa'uld queen - she was daughter and liuetenant to Ra in his time. Known in her various aspects as Bastet, Ailorus (her 'compassionate' side) and Sekhmet (the lion headed warrior-protector). Bast has two mask-helms - a domistic cat used for spirituality, benificence and nightime ceremonies, and a lion used for war, judgement and daytime ceremonies. She is the Goddess of felines, women and childbirth and the moon and sun. Though she is very vengful, she is also gracious and relatively merciful to her slaves and has never worked her slaves to death, nor do her people starve. Loyalty is well rewarded, and disloyalty is equally terribly punished. She has a ceremony each year to which children are not permitted which involves general drunkenness, gluttony, lechery and fornication, though such extreme behavior is not encouraged for the rest of the year. Her host is an attractive female with a strong jaw. The host was chosen for her bravery and fierceness. Bast is expert with her ribbon device (responds to emotion - lets you chuck people around, kill them, hurt them, or if you're feeling nice heal them). She is also excellent with claw and blade weapons.
Planet, Politics, Capital
The planet Bubastis (with a capital of the same name) is covered with desert, but rivers rich in vitality run down from the rocky crags to the life-filled oceans.
The capital is rich and teeming with felines and people. The Stargate is located at the foot of the steps going up to Bast's palace, in the middle of the Capital City. There are four guards during the night at the top of the steps. The other side of the stargate to the palace is a large gold and silver pool around which ceremonies are performed every hour or so to Bast as the sun and moon Goddess.
High-technology is the privalege of the goa'uld, the worshipful amazonian jaffa and the few blessed slaves. Cats are a sacred animal over the whole of Bubastis, and harming one will result in dire punishment, whilst killing one will result in execution. Needless to say vermin are despised by Bast and not common on her planet at all. Another sacred animal is the lion - the territories of the lion being left alone and the killing of a lion forbidden unless it is done unarmed, in which case the pelt is worn and the victor venerated and promoted.
The main forms of execution involve felines (the worse the crime the smaller the cat).
Bast does not have time for her nursery that often, though she has sired many goa'uld across the galaxy. She often finds it hard to tolerate them however and they usually are encouraged to leave. She rarely kills her own offspring however unless they are detrimental to her. She currently has two children in her court (it takes them some time to grow ready for a host and usually upon recieving one they are sent off with a ship and a jaffa to a distant planet or given a job on a different continent).
Other Notable Goa'uld
Several other goa'uld exist on Bast's planet, but only three among them are her lieutenants - Mahes, Hathor and Nefertem.
Mahes is one of her first sons, he inherited her agressive leonine side, and is one of her finest fighters, and a good strategist when it comes to a head on attack. Mahes' host is a strong, bald, muscular man, and he wears traditional Egyptian dress, with a ceremonial lion mask when called for. He is the only child Bast has been able to tolerate for centuries, and he is very loyal to her.
Nefertem is another of her sons, but far younger than Mahes. He chose a beautiful youth with wild, long black hair as a host. His youth means he has not spent much time in the sarcophogi - thus he still can develop respect and effection for other people. He spends most of his time with the slaves in his thrall, and enjoys sweet smells, perfume and alchemy; much to the frustration of his mother who hopes he will snap out of it.
Hathor(not the same one as in either the books or the series.. sorry, didn't realise there already was a Hathor) is Bast's sister and subordinate, she is excellent at manipulating people and becoming loved and venerated by the slaves. She tends to be unmasked, but if ceremony demands it she will wear either a cow or lion mask. She is worshipped as the Goddess of music, dance and happinness, and she does not look well at all on the lack of any of these things during her festivals.
Bast's jaffa are all women and they all wear feline masks. There are two distinct groups - the solar and lunar sects. The golden armoured solars are her standard soldiers, and strong foot soldiers. The silver armoured lunars are more subtle - they tend to be in charge of the more obscure weaponry and they are who you'll find pilotting death gliders. They are trained in cunning and seduction, and are more dangerous to train so there are fewer. Along with the standard issue staff weapons (with a feline motif instead of snake) and zat'nik'atels they all bare clawed armguards. The gold jaffa also carry scimitars while the silver jaffa have daggers and garotte wires secreted over much of their personage.
Names: Bast, Bastet, Ailuros
Patron of: the sun (originally), the moon (after the Greeks), cats, women, and secrets.
Appearance: A desert cat, or a woman with the head of a cat or lion (this form possibly dates after the domestication of the Egyptian wild cat).
Description: Probably the most famous Egyptian goddess after Isis, Bast was said to be the daughter of Ra, though long after he created the primal gods. She was originally a sun goddess, but after contact with the Greeks, she changed to a moon goddess, probably due to the Greeks associating her with Artemis.
Like Artemis, Bast was a wild goddess. To those who were in her favor, she gave great blessings, but her wrath was legendary and she was sometimes listed as one of Ra's avenging deities who punish the sinful and the enemies of Egypt. Though she could get out of hand and has gone out of hand to the point where she worried Ra himself (the legend goes he stopped the vengeful rampage he'd ordered by pouring beer into the ocean of blood she'd shed - when she went to drink it she got drunk and the rampage stopped). This is of course in keeping with her totem animal, the cat. Cats were sacred to Bast, and to harm one was deemed a great transgression. Bast's importance in the Egyptian pantheon might be due to the great value placed on the domesticated cat by the Egyptians. Cats curtailed the spread of disease by killing vermin, and though the idea of microbes was unknown to the ancient Egyptians, they must have noticed the connection between rats and disease.
Her worship was widespread, and her cult apparently had a great deal of power. Bubastis was even the capital of Egypt for a time during the Late Period, and some pharaohs took her name in their king-names. Herodotus' description of her temple at Bubastis is that of a place of great splendor and beauty, rivaled only by the temples to Ra and Horus.
Worship: Worshipped widely throughout Egypt, her cult center was at Bubastis.