Own Thyself
Created | Updated Nov 14, 2004
I think I've come quite a ways in owning myself, in realizing I don't HAVE to play victim to my own weaknesses.
But of course, I'm not very good at it yet.
I had tried very hard to shut out my soft, silly, romantic side for a bit. I did a scaringly good job of it for a short while. Then, I achieved balance. Bad thing, though... it was a temporary balance.
Anyway... what brought this on tonight!??
... I w*rk in Wal*Fart's Holiday Shop. I've beeen in the world of C-mas for maybe two months now already!!! My co-worker Caitlyn and I are the only ones who seem able to tolerate holiday music. :-P
I was listening to one of the songs on our communal C-mas cds and suddenly... magically... I was once again making cookies with my brother and my grandmother.
Forget the mistletoe. Ok, I won't do that entirely... but I don't have to cling to love and romance as I KNOW I did every freakin' C-mas since... well, since just when, I dunno. But.
This is a matter of owning myself. Of owning the holidays. Making them my own, not what anyone else thinks or wants them to be.
So. <nahnah>
The holidays are going to be 90-100% about fun and silliness and remembering those hours spent making cookies; the way Mom STILL yells at me on C-mas morning for knocking the ornaments off of the bottom of the tree; listening to her students play holiday tunes; WONDERFUL family dinners; me making those nummy appetizers; playing games; snow and cold outside and warm inside.
Own thyself.
Cause you're who you always have to sleep with. ;-)