The People

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Hello mates!!
Hi everyone! How's it going?
I'll start this off by giving everyone a mention.

My Girlfriend Gemma starts it off.
Gemma is a babe who lives just down the road in the other village.We have been together for the last year andfive months.
She is really wonderfull and is everything I could hope for.

Now onto my family.
Mum ,Dad and Steven are in this house too.They know who they are.

Brian and Sara.Alright there folks? How ya doin'? Bri works as a Fireman, but the special mention goes to Sara because I never mentioned her in my other site.
I did try and update it but the server was down and it would'nt work! Sorry! See you both soon!

Gary and Karen, Hi folks how is it going? Gary big man, I'll be sending you something after Sundays win!!:o)

Billy boy, The mad dog Canadian! He is mad for it!!But then again so is Jeff.

Auntie Agnes and Uncle Fred, We will be seeing you very soon!! Hope you are all well on that side of the pond.

Now my Mates!!!!!

First up is Spam Kid, Graham McNiel! He is a self-proclaimed Musician and Computer geek.He also has a web-site up. Spam and I spent many a happy time in our classes at school,Lest we forget!
Spam used to play clarinet but doesnt these days.Guitar is his forte. All round Coll guy.His only problems are his addictions to pot noodles,Bottle of Irn-Bru and Opal fruits (StarBursts)

Hello there Martin. Martin ' formerly known as Zico' Courtney is a man who likes his teabags. As fortune would have it, The man himself just phoned me. The soccer starlet himself, Hero to millions!
Put another one on the Barbie, mate!

Gary T is the mouth of 'Goals'. Beats a bass, and resembles Gianni from 'Eastenders'. Mind you, I have been likened to 'Beppe' from the show .

Robert Brown is the comedian of the group. He likes a different sort of music than the rest of us. Not for the faint hearted.
All of the above , along with myself, and some others, form 'The Special Guests', A Blues Brothers outfit. We came 3rd in a badly judged talent show (lost out to a wee puff singing Titanic)
and now are preparing to play in the school concert in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. Our song will be a Blues Brothers classic.

Chris Currie is the best dressed man of P.M.H.S- officially. This is an alround nice guy-cool . Has a few peircings, subtle ones and a tatoo.
Very nice boy.

Big John Carruthers, The AO of P.M.H.S We will be champions.What's the cry? Excellent bloke. Big Rangers man.

Mozza Morrow- The speed demon of football. another cool bloke, only problem is, can't get into the Pitz.

David McNair- Mowgli is his name to us. Another top bloke, with great caricature skills. His mum should be an honoury Chinese cook.
His wee sister is the double of him!!

Nel- Orange hair and his Irn-Bru addiction. Keep the faith nel,we will be champs.

All the others- you know who you are, you dont have the internet so what is the point?
See you all soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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