Canadian Beer

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There has been much written on the struggle of canadians to overcome the flashy, ritzy reputation of their neighbours to the south fortunately they have another alternative besides their obvious superiority in hockey. Namely the art of making beer.

Canadians really really really love their beer. Hockey is Canada's religion and beer is the holy water.

This article will cover three brewery's.

The oldest in North America founded by an immigrating Brit(cheers :-)
MOlson makes several popular brands including export (say: EX) and the patriotic, commercial friendly Molson Canadian. The slogan I AM CANADIAN is now engraved in Candian pop culture and is present at all international hockey games. The latest commercial is called "the rant" and provides an excellent summing up of how we are better/smarter (and everything else good and noble) than Americans.

Trademark brand is Labaat Blue which also feature highly patriotic commercials in that "right out of the blue" people start to play hockey on the streets of downtown Toronto, obviously worthy of a canadian beer!!

The quintessential beer for any maritimer (the heartiest drinkers of them all) Mooseheads national focus is their tried and true "Moose Green" simply Moosehead...which comes in a green bottle. If you are in the Maritimes try Moosehead Pale Ale which is a fine , well, pale ale. The commercial friendly moosehead is premium dry. Which enternally spoofs cowboy/pretty woman budweiser commercials, and now it seems in the latest incarnation, werthers originals.

In closing it is worth noting that Canadian Beer is of a higher alcohol content than any American brand proving also that we are manlier men and womanlier woman. :-)

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