Dragon's Claws

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In the last year of the 80s, Simon Furman and Geoff Senior, respectively a writer and artist at Marvel UK, where given the opportunity to create a comic in the American format, but which would appeal to a British audience. The comic they created was Dragon's Claws, and though it only lasted 10 issues, it's still remembered with affection by those who read it.

A New World

The story of Dragon's Claws is set in the world 8162, and much has changed in the intervening years. Britain is a much warmer place, so much so that the Channel has completely dried up. It's also a much more dangerous place. For many years the authorities ran a competitive blood sport called The Game, in which teams of players would try to run a course, while being attacked by the players of several other teams1. The Game was stopped after one competition turned into an absolute bloodbath. But many of the teams are still around; some have changed, or spilt up, and settled into a normal life, but some others have not. Lawlessness runs rife, and murder is commonplace. In an effort to curb the violent excesses of some of the Game teams, N.U.R.S.E2 decided to re-form the best team ever to play The Game - Dragon's Claws - as it's personal police force.

A New Team

Several of issues in the series contained a character biography, filing in some of the back-story to the series. However, these biographies contained gaps, presumably intended to be filled in by plot-lines that never had the time to emerge.


The leader of the team. When we first see him he is happily married to Tanya, with whom he has a son, Micheal. Now running a farm he cannot understand the attraction that The Game. However, when his family was attacked by former Game team The Wildcats, and he single-handedly wiped them out, he remembered what the attaction was, and answered the call to re-form the Claws, leaving his family behind him. He was an orphan, and was given the name Dragon in the orphanage. Nothing is known of his parents.


The only female in the team.




Little is known of Scavenger's history. He appears to be of abourigonal descent, but there is no hard evidence to support this.

1Rather like a team version of the game in Richard Bachman's The Running Man2The National Union of Retired Sports Experts - whose full name only ever appeared in footnotes in the comic, and never in the main text

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