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So, you have decided to be insufferably and irrevocably Smug. What does this entail in this the modern era? How can you be sure you are Smug, and are not experiencing some kind of lesser sensation? Perhaps you are in fact just happy?

This entry scrutinises this strangely ambigious emotive state and wonders what it is to be Smug.

Why So Smug?

The ability to be smug stems from the overriding compulsion to be superior to anything else. As such when we actually achieve this state, a sense of 'pride' arises. However, it has to be noted that smugness is a lesser degree of pride and is not exclusive to humanity.
The state could be described as simple satisfaction, but that is merely a feeling of a 'job well done' rather than the sensation of putting someone or something in its percieved place.

Many of the greater apes display signs of smugness, for instance any given alpha male in a group of silverback gorillas regularly sits back, takes a look round all he has achieved and does not move except in the most lazy of gestures - the universal sign of contentment, exibited by any animal capable of it. If something does not have to move fast, it will not, and thus can be described as content.
It should be noted that Smugness is the gradation above contentment however.


It could be said that anyone with a modicum of sucess has the capability of being smug, but it is one of the more elusive emotive states, whereby people can experience it, even if they have not done anything particularly worthwhile.

For example:
A man who has just brokered the deal to tear down the orphanage to turn into a car park for a fat profit could easily be smug, if riddled with guilt.

However another man who brokers a deal to turn a car park into an orphanage for a great loss can also be classed as smug, if desperatly poor.
The differention between this emotion and those of arrogance and gladliness can be determined by the measure of how much better than other people one is feeling after the act.

This is most definitively a cause and effect emotion, unlike for example 'Fear', which one can suddenly get an attack of whether there is something to be afraid of or not. The state of 'Fear' can however be compared to smugness as an exact opposite, or contrast if you will. This is opposed to the more usually presumed 'Courage'.
'Fear' is the paraylsing action which causes inability in the face of danger. 'Courage' as opposed to 'Fear' is the motivation to be able to do something in the face of danger. Smugness on the other hand is the feeling after said fact, which can let you feel like you can do something else after the danger has passed.
So and thus, 'Fear' can be read as 'Before' and Smugness can be read as 'After'.

Classical Examples of Smugness

The Secret Seven books by that good lady Enid Blyton can be classed as insufferably smug1 due to the way at the end of most of the books, the protagonists have had a jolly good time and get a large seven layer cake of some description. They all seem to take a great deal of pride in their own cleverness which can easily be construed as Smug. 2
Another literary example of Smug, is that of Fagin in Charles Dickens' classic work, Oliver Twist.3 Again in this case he is so prideful of his abilities and achievements, he moves through life in a pleasant pink mist, except when strife comes his way, which is often.
A third example comes to us from the annals of film, the sheer embodiment of Smug, that of The Joker4 from the original Tim Burton directed 'Batman' film. Except when he is losing obviously, but the rest of the time, he is so caught up in his own vanity and amazingness, he is the King of Smug. For example, about halfway through the film he suddenly decides to start throwing money off a parade float, thus being worshipped by the masses, how smug is that?


What you must remember about Smugness, if you embark on being Smug, is that smug people often receieve a comuppence, or dire retribution due to the unsung masses who decide the one thing they hate more than anything is a smug expletive.
1If somewhat racist?2Though the books themselves are wonderful and should be read by kids everywhere in unedited form3Though the film musical is better4Played by the ineffable Jack Nicolson, bless his socks.

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