Unreal Tournament

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Unreal Tournament is the sequal to the game 'Unreal' released by Epic Games. Unreal was a futuristic fantasy game where a jail ship crashes, leaving a lone Prisoner to sruvive the forbidding world.

Unreal featured the best graphics of its day, including revolutionary texture techniques and amazing gameplay. The game was amazingly long, and enemies1 were spread far and wide, making the game unnapealing to to those who had only recently played games like Quake2.

Improved Engine

Unreal Tournament was released just before the turn of the century, featuring an improved graphic engine, more intelligent bots3 and a completely different game.

Unlike the original Unreal, Unreal Tournament is based around multiplayer4 games, meaning several people could play the same game at once.

People at first bauked at this prospect, since playing against bots is generally quite boring (although often challenging). Assault missions were added, these are levels which require one team to perform a task (usually take over an enemy base, or destroy a particular target) while the other team defends.

Improved AI

In order to give the game a wider strategic scope, the bots would now take orders, and would taunt each other using digitised speech.

The game includes several different styles of play including CTF5, Assault, Death Match6, Domination7 and Last Man Standing8.

Unreal Tournament won several awards and was considered far superior to its rival Quake 3. Quake 3 had better graphics but failed to have any outstanding playability or lasting fun.

For more information regarding the Unreal series visit Unreal.com.

1Enemies are characters which you have to kill, or help in order to proceed further into the game2Quake was one of the first games to use true 3D graphics instead of bitmap graphics3An artificial player4Multiplayer is where instead of a single story-line being played out, a group of people will join the same game and compete5Caputre the Flag: Where both teams must capture the enemy flag while defending their own6Where everybody must try to receive the highest amount of 'Frags' (or kills) while staying alive7At least two teams must try and 'Dominate' a level by defending several different positions around the map8Each player is given a certain amount of lives, once the person has lost all of these lives they are removed from play, and the last person alive wins the round

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