So Help me GOD!!
Created | Updated Feb 8, 2008
Let's get this into context and give you an understanding of my perspective on 'The State of Modern England' and why I would feel the way I do. I live in a medium sized town 35 miles south of London, in a medium sized house with an average sized family. I am a wage slave and work for a large multi-national telecommunications company, I am not very senior and work an average working week. I live a simple , law abiding , tax paying, English lifestyle. The cultural mix of my neighbours is of white extraction and mostly families who have very similar lifestyles to my own. The area I live in is quiet and most people get along with each other. The schools are in close proximity and are well placed in the national league tables , delivering a high standard of education. My children like where we live, enjoy going to school , have an excellent chance to attain good grades in their exams, and then get a reasonably well paid job with one of the numerous companies based locally.So why do I feel so let down ? Why am I no longer proud to be a white English man? Why do I find life such a struggle and grind ? Why do I keep thinking , just like the bank advert 'There's got to be a better way?'
I don't buy a newspaper everyday, although I pick up the headlines on TV and online, so I am reasonably well informed on what's happening around the world. Once a week I have a quick flick through the Saturday Express and the trends are there to be seen. The general themes running through modern England are based on chaos and anarchy , the Government have lost control of our borders, inner city areas have become ghettos, more and more money is being thrown at these issues and the average working guy , like myself, is picking up the bill. We are all rapidly approaching the tip point where the negatives of living in England out weigh the positives. The good ol' boys and girls of England are fed up with having to deal with the lawless, feckless and vulgarness of the English underclasses, have run out of patience with the ungrateful sponging attitude of the 'Refugee' families who are sucking the feel good factor out of living in England . This is creating another modern trend, all the good citizens have finally had enough and those that can are leaving in their droves. The article in last week's paper reported that the emigration rate was in the 100s of thousands and no doubt the immigration rate is similarly high. So what is the net result of this ? The guys paying the bills are selling up and quitting , they don't need to tolerate the degeneration of the English way of life any more. This will gain momentum and as a result this country is heading for a monumental crash. There will no longer be surplus in the pot to cover the spiralling costs related to immigration and inner city anarchy. If the government want the good guys to stick around and support their policies , they better start addressing these very serious problems now before it's too late.
Build more prisons , get the scum off the streets. Build more asylum centres get the scum off the streets. Get more police on the streets stop the remaining scum from committing crime. Remove undesirable people from our society, get control of the gangs . Respond to 999 calls quickly and run antisocial behaviour out of our estates. Deal with the gangsta mentality, no more gun crime statistics, stamp on the drug culture, no more drug related statistics. Make our streets safe again so that we can live without fear. Get control of our borders, work with France to round up the immigrants and share the costs to send them back to their own countries. I want action , I want justice, I want the Government to use my tax money effectively, I want to feel proud to be English again……………………so help me GOD !!