Welcome, Stranger.
Created | Updated Nov 1, 2004
This is your Personal Space, the most useful page you could ever hope for. It's where people can come along and find out all about you, and it's also where you can write Guide Entries, keep track of your Conversations, update your Journal and change your preferences. It is basically your personal nerve centre on h2g2.
You can get to this page at any time by clicking on the 'My Space' button.
One of the first things you'll want to do is set up your preferences, which you can do by clicking on the 'Preferences' button. That's where you can change your Nickname so you're no longer known as just another number.
You should also replace this text with something a bit more individual and entertaining to visitors, by clicking on the 'Edit Page' button and typing in your own Introduction. If you don't do this then visitors to your Personal Space will not be able to leave messages, so it's a good thing to do straight away.
If you want to find out all about your Personal Space, you can find lots of lovely information here. And remember, you can get here at any time by clicking on the 'My Space' button.