The England/Wales Divide
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2005
After several hours of beating my way through the normal flow of traffic on the London Orbital, I glide gently along the M4, with yet more pleasant weather as my companion, past Reading, Swindon, and eventually Bristol, until, a slight haze brushes past the sun, yet it still blesses me with it's loving gaze.
Then, however, I cross the Severn Bridge. As if a great power summons it away, the sun disappears from the sky, and the clouds enshroud me with gloom. A steady drumming of waterfall rain cascades upon my windscreen, and the certain truth settles in. I have arrived in Wales. The land that spawned myself and my family, how you curse me now, I left my brolly 200 miles away, in the glorious sunshine of my new home in the weald, believing that just maybe, the sunshine would last.