Hot chocolate, a substitute for coffee

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I have re-discovered hot chocolate, I have not had a cup since I was a very young child, I just had a cup and was throw back to my childhood, I know the flaws of coffee, and tea, even though I drink tea still. I really like hot chocolate, you don't need to add anything, it comes with just the right amount of sweetness, and some, if you care to look even come with the little marshmellows. I don't know why I have not drank it sooner. I mean if I had only known the wonderful taste of hot chocolate, I would drink it every day, and so now I probably will. My favorite is Nestle, they have a great blend. The key is to stop the kettle just before the point which the water will burn your tongue. This may take several cups to master, but well, lets face it, it will be ok because you get to drink all those cups. Some make hot chocolate in the microwave, this is wrong, and you should know better, you know who you are. I am downing coffee, I know that coffee has it's own followers that will hunt me down with pitchforks if I down coffee, or at least give me a tongue lashing. Please respond with any fond memories of hot chocolate.

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