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New Rank information:

Ranks are shown as follows:

Captain: smiley - moonsmiley - moonsmiley - moonsmiley - moon

Commander:smiley - moonsmiley - moonsmiley - moon

Lieutenant:smiley - moonsmiley - moon

Lieutenant JG: smiley - moonsmiley - crescentmoon

Ensign:smiley - moon

Crewman:smiley - crescentmoon

Cadet:smiley - planet

End of message

(Note to all Clique/ REBEL members (just as important if you're new!!!)-

From now on, REBEL will be based here. If you are in REBEL, stick to posting in threads with REBEL as the start of the name of the latest posting. Clique members, stick to threads with the latest posting beginning with "Clique. "Invasion in Progress" threads can be used by either faction, as a battle ground only. Please do not use the "Base threads", ie- "Clique Break room" etc, only use threads with names like "REBEL controlled field" or something. These can then be "invaded" and taken over. Feel free to create a battleground, but only one each. Then, you can take over "enemy territories". keep it clean, no swearing, and you can't just walk into a thread and say "this is mine, now. You must get an agreement from the owner. Do not try and be invincible, either, if you are wounded on a battlefield, such as your arm getting cut off, you'll have to go to the medical bay of your own base to get it healed, but you can't disappear and reappear healed straight away. If you are beaten, give up. Right, let the games begin!!!)


The recent rumours have been confirmed. REBEL is now a known enemy faction, and although their numbers are as yet few, they are something to worry about. Members of REBEL are known to be dangerous, and have made some advances against the Clique. Although they use this page, they are a seperate organisation. Approach with extreme caution. If you decide to defect from the Clique and join REBEL, you can find a description of their HQ here- A3563048.

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