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A little Island in the northsee of Germany, it is best described with the classical frase of "mostly harmless".
The Island is devided in to two parts, one hase the Vilage, a couple of hotels and the harbour. The other half is mostly empty sandy plaines with a little boarding school situated in the middle.
The island hase one ove the most spectacular beaches I have ever seen, but exept for this not much. The best Pub on the Island (and ther are only 3) is called Laremys and it is closed from October untill the begining of may, the rest of the time it hase lose opening times beetween 4 in the afternoon and 8 in the morning! But do aske locals before tacking the way out. Directiones, just go west, you will finde that all roads going west end in one and at the end ove this you will finde Laramies (also known as Edies). Best drink is the "Laramy Reiter" if drunken quickley it will blow your minde out and leave you squirming on the ground, for the soft at heart I would recomend Sauren, Knobody realy noes what it is made of, but it tastes of chemicals and is bright green, and thats what it works like.
Adventurus people can try the beer in the Beathouse, which is the boarding schools own pub, Opening times are Wensday 8 Pm to 11Pm and Saturday 8 Pm to 12 PM. Directions: Just head east and head for the loud music.

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