Teenage Use Of The Word Random

2 Conversations


I thought as a useful, helpful, handy guide, I would write something on the teenage use of the word random.

The word "RANDOM" as used by teenagers has as many meanings as one can care to think of. Sometimes therefore, it could be difficult to work out exactly what the teenager in question is trying to say.


Many of the meanings of the word "RANDOM" mean odd/weird/strange. Actually most of them do.

This is something adults often fail to understand, in all it's myriad uses, a teenager usually means odd. It is just the fact that where it is used varies so greatly.

Something adults also often don't understand is that the actual dictionary meaning has very little to do with it's meaning in most circumstances. This is generally the problem adults face when trying to understand what teenagers are saying, they are much too literal. Forget the dictionary. Also forget maths.

Tip: If confused, substitute the word random for weird or odd and see if it makes any more sense.


This is an example that actually happened to me.

Around town a series of ads were being put up. They were ads for the movie "V for Vendetta". As you may know, at first just a block of white text on a black background was up. Several weeks later, probably about a month, a red V in a red circle was pasted over the top. Another month later, the movie details were put up on the other side of the black background. Soon afterwards I was talking about it with my mum.

Me: You know those V for Vendetta ads?

Mum: Yeah.

Me: They're really random.

Mum: Actually it's incredibly organised.

This is a classic example when the meaning of the word is taken too literally.

Other overused teenage words

Some other words that teenagers use a lot and almost always incorrectly:
  • Cheap (sometimes this is mistaken for expensive but actually means a rip off)
  • Awesome
  • Cool (the classic)
  • Sick (very cool)
  • Rock/s (very cool)
  • Suck/s (bad, uncool)

If you have any more suggestions, leave a note.

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